making the logo bigger

deciphering the links

harvesting fresh pixels

delaying Newfies for 30mins

hiding reno work

Partnership with Federated Co-operatives Limited

ISM and IBM have partnered with the Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) to standardize their Network for over 900 retail store locations across Western Canada. FCL is a member owned business that was looking for a service partner that will provide the crucial first steps in an improved customer experience and a solution that drives innovation for future growth within their retail sites.

ISM/IBM was chosen as the preferred partner because we are able to provide:

  • A tailored approach for each co-op meeting their individual needs
  • Many years experience working with retailers
  • Scalable and repeatable processes improving efficiencies
  • Greater speed and flexibility through architects and technicians with a variety of specialized skills
  • Dedicated team to ensure quality control and ongoing support

We are thrilled to work with FCL to continue with their mission “To provide responsible, innovative leadership and support to the Co-operative Retailing System for the benefit of members, employees and Canadian communities.” Our flexible and agile approach will ensure that FCL remains innovative while supporting communities through technology.

ISM is the largest IT company in Saskatchewan and we are excited to grow our IT footprint while helping the Saskatchewan Government’s IT growth mandate.