inserting floppy discs

dividing divs

dropping beats

mumbling magic words

data centre

the beating heart of classic IT

For some, in-house racks of servers simply cannot be outdone. Robust buzzing machines propelling operations & nestled in a place you alone command, with every piece of data under your thumb. These monsters in the basement need the utmost care to continue their heavy labours, & we're here to keep them going.


feet on the ground

brute force at home

In 1973 we were tasked by the government of Saskatchewan to manage computers for the province, at the time they were the size of rooms & programmed with slotted paper. Things were rough. Since then we have delivered critical infrastructure to hundreds of clients across the country, making a specialty of reliable, potent service, served by the rack.

mainframe operations

We have the history & connections to punch above our weight. Being a past part of IBM we were imbued with devotion to stringent, some say ruthless standards which live on today, along with access to the best tools & training in the industry. In 50 years we have never failed a DR test, we have never had a major security incident, we are industry leaders at being relentlessly boring. Ya we said it.

a cloud to call your own

Some cloud operations just work better when you are in total control. The reasons may be regulatory, software optimization related, or purely for speed of access. Utilizing technologies such as Azure Stack, we can bring cloud optimized applications to your private environment.

complete control

Managing your own data centre gives you the ultimate level of granular management, letting you select every piece of hardware & configuration setting possible. These setups compliment niche applications with highly custom needs, & we have the team to bring your vision to life.

patches, updates, upgrades; we got it

Utilizing private or hybrid environments doesn't have to be a chore, security depends on patches being up to date, & hardware life-cycles being monitored. We are full service, with intelligent alerting systems & round the clock people to assure your servers keep serving.

everything in its place

From general upgrades to totally new installations, we fear no rack. Having hosted provincial level data centres throughout our history we've been the first on the ground creating all new facilities, & renovating old ones to meet modern demands.

we love being audited

It's your data, your systems, your security, we have nothing to hide. Our teams provide monthly reports, while remaining available at any time to brief you on any event that crosses your radar.

hardware & storage

The equipment you need, quickly, from top tier providers.

We are a Lenovo preferred vendor.

core computing equipment

desktops, servers, racks

networking equipment

routers, switches, modems, firewalls, cablework

storage resources

hard drives, tape drives, back-up resources

power & cooling infrastructure

HVAC systems/software, cooling towers, backup power generation, uninterrupted power supply systems

device sourcing

from user peripherals to larger print & display systems

explore related solutions & content

cloud migration


cloud operations

industry focus

public sector

industry focus

education & sciences

this is just the beginning of your journey, say hello

no mailing lists,
no spam,
no bad cookies, especially with raisins.

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