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AI & machine learning

like Skynet but good for you

Seeking answers from an array of abstract constructs & difficult data? Your organization can utilize powerful recognition & discovery tools to harvest massive amounts of content into profitable prophecies.

future stuff

not visionary fantasy
it's a force of industry today

Organizations are looking for a better way to get the most value from their data, from ingestion to output. The most daunting problems of your business today may have unseen layers & connections, & among the chaos may reside solutions, or high yield automation. That's where our team of analytic experts & state-of-the-art cloud rendering platforms come in.

see the world like a
psychic supercomputer

enjoy time saving automation

AI & ML solutions can trim inefficiencies from most corners of your business, freeing staff to work on high value & more rewarding tasks. Remove the repetition & give your people targeted work to excel with. Common tasks can now be automated into reliable processes.

enhance customer experience

It costs more to gain new customers, than to retain them. AI can enhance marketing efforts, loyalty programs, & find deep connections between action & reaction, allowing you to tailor your operations to the proven habits of your clientele.

gain revenue, & reduce costs

Combine automation, deep insights, & tackling complex issues at scale to develop your recipe for savings. Boost your customer experience, trim workloads, & enhance output as cutting-edge technology takes you to another level of progress.

visual recognition

aka machine learning

Imagine an all seeing eye, capable of scanning millions of images or videos, establishing models of common issues, & uncovering hidden patterns. This, is what we do every day.

so what is it? picture this

Let's say, for example, you need to inspect a pipeline. You're looking for bending, warping, rust, cracks, & damages from all nature can throw at it. Your pipeline stretches far, human inspection would be... cost prohibitive. By ground would take months through thick forest, flight inspection crews would need far too long to really take in what they see, not to mention the fuel costs. Hot air balloons are not an option. Your last route is to collect thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of photos from the air & have people on the ground look at them all.
One. By. One.

What if cloud-driven AI could inspect photos & videos of that pipeline? How would that even work?
Let's see.

we begin with a model

You've been running your business for a while; you have images of common issues, you also have images of how things should look. It's time to feed the machine, a digital ingestion as we train one of the top 10 most powerful supercomputers on the planet the meanings behind the visuals.

Our Azure driven system learns the difference between a growing crack and a low hanging branch, the difference between rust and rubbish, it evolves to see irregularities in shape and form before your pipe begins to dip. Through this process the AI model develops its own idea of what's a problem, learning to see issues that often even humans cannot see. Then the machine gets to work, examining more and more data, asking real people "is this what I think it is?", & builds a solid knowledge of how to find issues that even expert eyes may not see. This newfound understanding of what to look for is the model.

rapid ingestion means savings

While it may take a large team of people months to inspect thousands of images captured via passing aircraft, for example, we take the timeline to hours (or minutes).

Our visual recognition process takes bulk input down to a small priority collection of potential issues for your qualified staff to finish checking. Eliminate inspector fatigue & overlooked content; you are left with just the potential problem media to confirm, saving untold staffing hours while dramatically increasing the rate of qualified red flags.

What's more, every time you run the model it gets better. It advances learning where previous maintenance areas were, able to take in field reports & match them to the images it has seen in the past. Every run can also be compared to the last, looking for slow, creeping changes, beyond human ability across such a large project.

foresight allows for proactive change

Getting answers faster means you can implement changes, inspections, & repairs immediately; before a future issue becomes a failure. Our models can also consider wear & tear, letting you plan maintenance & upgrades more cost effectively, often spotting problems before human eyes ever can.

Reduce large scale inspections & pinpoint where to send crews, react faster than ever previously possible, & save money.

This example can be applied to many industries, from quality control, mass text/document & speech recognition, spatial projects such as geology or logistics, predictions across mass statistics, or most fields in which many people must review large volumes of data.


powering incredible feats of imagery analysis

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